Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Do Your Customers Trust You?
We all know the old saying “If It Seems To Good To Be True It Probably Is.” Sometimes we can use marketing terms that can reduce trust rather than enhance it.
How many times can your laundry detergent or breakfast cereal be “New and Improved.” We have all seen companies lead with a great low price, only to find that is just part of a bundle that has a much higher price. Neither of these marketing tactics lead to a position of trust and believability.
On more than one occasion I have rushed to a local store only to find that the great price in the ad was “tagged with the term, “Limited To Stock On Hand.” I went out of my way to try and buy the item and getting there early only to find that the store only had two at that price. Does that lead to a position of trust? Or the next ad will be ignored.
In the past it was common for car dealers to feature a very low price on a line of popular cars. When the customer arrived they would find that the dealer had sold the one car they had at that price or would find a car that had no options and was a stripped model no one would really want. We all know that car salesperson are right there with politicians on the trust meter.
What can you do to increase trust with your customers?
Seek the truth. Trust emerges when you approach selling as a way of helping the customer–so make it your quest to discover the real areas where the you can work together. Never be afraid to point out that your product or company may not be the right fit.
Be curious about people. People are drawn to those who show true interest in them. Curiosity about people is thus a crucial element of relationship building. Having an abiding fascination in others give you the opportunity to learn new things and make new connections.
Value the relationship. If you want people around you to value having a relationship with you, you must truly believe that relationship building is important. You must also believe that you honestly have something of value to offer to the relationship.
Be yourself. Everybody on the planet has had unpleasant experiences with salespeople, and many have walked away from a sales situation feeling manipulated. So, rather than acting or sounding like a salesperson, simply act the way you would when meeting with a colleague.
Most important; Treat Your Customers The Way You Want To Be Treated!
If you are looking for someplace to have your business promotions printed give us a call here at MI Printing 623.582.1302. See how we can help you in 2013 and beyond.
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MI Printing, LLC
Phone: 623.582.1302