Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Build Brand Loyalty By Going The Extra Mile

The marketing of your business should have two basic goals.  Those goals are “Getting” and “Keeping” your customers.

To help establish brand loyalty for your business you must live by your company’s core values and go above and beyond customer expectations.  Go the extra mile to set your brand apart from anyone else.  Determine, or create your company’s sales advantages.  Find something uncommon about your offerings, and find a way to become well-known to your core customer base by offering that differentiation. 

Marketers should focus on creating more brand loyalists and “brands that create an intimate emotional connection that you simply can’t do without, Ever” Your existing customers are the most valuable to your business, so start to create an emotional connection and reward them for their loyalty.

Customers first need the awareness of your business, service or your products.  Then you need to tell a good story of why your “product” meets their unique needs.  They people that go ahead with a purchase must feel that your business cares about what happens next.  This could be as simple as making sure the customers understand how your product is used or enjoyed.

To continue as a repeat customer that purchaser must “feel” you care for them as a person.  That continuing interaction is what you want as a business.  The follow-up or interaction with customers is the extra mile that is missing in most businesses.

Brand loyalty is built on the foundation of every interaction your customer has with your business.  The key to brand loyalty is to always meet or exceed expectations with each and every customer encounter.  

When customers become loyal, they not only buy your products or services, they will become emotionally attached to your brand.  They will be more likely to recommend your brand to their friends and family, develop an emotional connection, and act as a brand evangelist.  These recommendations are your “word-of-mouth” marketing, and continue to be most effective, as they can articulate the value proposition of your brand, and address an emotional connection that resonates well with other potential customers.

Let us help you build brand loyalty!  Call MI Printing 623.582.1302 and lets us be your local resource for business printing.

Presented By
MI Printing 
Phone: 623.582.1302