Monday, May 6, 2013

Five Ways To Get New Customers

Try a new marketing technique: Like any small business, you likely have some marketing tricks that work. And, also like most small businesses, I bet you use them again and again.  No wonder they get stale.

If you try something new, you will reach new people, and that increases your chances that someone new will check you out.

Print a flyer. Create a coupon. Have a sale. Start a direct-marketing campaign. There are many powerful marketing ideas that will generate more business .

Launch or offer a new product: Again, the idea is the same – if you keep doing the same thing, offering the same old products (and marketing them the same old way) it is the same old people who will notice them.

The trick is to get different people to check out your wares. Offering a different product, or product line, and letting people know about it, does that.

Get more clicks: While you can’t man the business 24/7, your URL can. Whether yours is a fully-empowered e-commerce site or simply an e-brochure for your business, the secret to converting that Web site into money is all in the numbers. The more people who visit, the more purchases may occur.

Launch a PR campaign: Advertising is great and can lead to new customers for sure. The problem is that it is inherently biased; it is you tooting your own horn.

Far better: Have someone else hype your business for you. That is where public relations comes in.

By getting a TV or a radio station, or a newspaper or magazine, to do a story on your business creates immediate third-party, trustworthy, validation of your business. That you can use that story again and again is icing on the cake.

Ask for referrals: A carpet warehouse had a huge sign that said, “Our word of mouth advertising starts with you!” They then gave all referrers a good discount on future purchases.

Creating an incentive referral program is simple and it can yield great results. The key is to give people a reason to refer business to you (aside from being a fine establishment) and to thank them for doing so. People like to be appreciated.

Remember, getting new customers is a numbers game. Keep on trying!

Let MI Printing help you get more new customers! We are ready to help you with all of your everyday commercial and business printing needs.

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MI Printing, LLC
Phone: 623.582.1302