Monday, July 15, 2013

Business Card Design Tips

We haven’t talked about business cards in a while and now seems like a great time.  Business cards can be one of the most effective ways to promote your business by passing out current contact information.  Here are some tips and tricks to make your next business card more effective.

Use a compelling image that complements your business, products or services.

Use a solid card stock or plastic material as your card base. Use non-standard materials such as plastic or colored stock, even something out of the ordinary is bound to be kept and remembered.

Be different with shape, such as over-sizing the card or making it in the shape of your product. Consider changing direction with a vertical card can draw extra attention.

Cards that fold in half or tri-fold can be used as mini-brochures.

Produce multiple interesting cards that encourage people to collect them.

Utilize a noisemaker attachment, or even a distinctive scent, but do keep in mind that many people are allergic to perfumes.

Include all standard contact information such as a company name, address, phone numbers, fax number, website and e-mail as well as your name and title. Include a logo, picture or graphic image that you will use consistently on all of your marketing materials.

Include an advertising slogan that stimulates an emotional response, announces a distinctive brand identity and acts as a directory to your specific customer.

Keep your card simple with no more than a few different fonts and stay away from unusual fonts that are hard to read.

Use a font size large enough for people of any age to read with ease.

Never use cards with outdated information.

Keep your business card information to the point and as concise as possible.

Utilize the back of your card for product information, testimonials, a special discount or free trial of your service, a calendar or something that they will want to keep and use.

Let MI Printing help you with your next business card. Call us at 623.582.1302

Presented By
MI Printing
Phone: 623.582.1302