Thursday, August 16, 2012

Marketing Mayhem – Always Smile In Response

How important is your smile?  We can all agree that you greet a customer with a smile.  Your marketing efforts are wasted if you chase the customer away when they first arrive.

You should always respond with a smile, no matter what.  Remember you don’t control the conversation.  Customer sometimes ask stupid questions and you must never let them know that you think so.  Be helpful no matter what.  If you not sure what they are asking, find a way to restate their question so you get more information.

Put your customer first.  Never make them wait while you finish a work task.  Stop what you are doing, not finish what you are doing, and help the customer.

As you are helping your customer start a conversation about the purchase.  The more you know the more you may be able to suggest items the customer may need and not even know they need.  You are not only be helpful but you are becoming the authority.  Now your suggestions carry more influence.

Your interest in their project or task shows them you care about them and what they are doing and you go beyond salesperson to their advisor.

You can apply this to the sale of a doughnut, grass seed or a new car.  People would rather buy from a friend than a stranger.  Which one will you be?

If you are not listening, you don’t know what your customers want or need.

If you are looking for a great business printer for your business. Please give us a call at 623.582.1302 and see how we can help you solve your other business needs.  Thanks!

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MI Printing
Phone: 623.582.1302