Thursday, August 22, 2013

Brochures Do Work!

A few months ago a local buffet restaurant went out of business.  Yes, that seems to happen frequently these days.  I cared about this one as I did eat there once in a while and it was a money saving and enjoyable experience.

A few days ago I saw, that with a new name, the restaurant was open again as another buffet. I wondered if it would be as good.  I put that in the back of my mind and pretty much forgot about them.

I was out shopping the other day and was about five miles away from the new restaurant.  What surprised me was when I went by to the parking lot I found a full color brochure stuck in my side window and as I look across the parking lot many car had the same brochure onboard.

It was their take-out menu. Nicely done and it was presented with the location, days and hours of operation and pricing. I now know they will deliver and that they take all of the popular credit cards.

They didn’t offer any incentive for trying out the restaurant in the near future.  Something I think would be a good idea but I also understand those that don’t want to feed a coupon mentality to get the quest started coming in for.  Thinking that they need only wait to save money can stop them from makng future visits.

As I sit writing this the brochure is setting on my desk and reminding me that I mean to try them out in the near future.  

When was the last time you had someone distribute flyers or brochures about your business, products or services? Ok, have you ever done that and if not why not?  The support of local customers is always a good idea for ninety-nine percent of business.

Do you deliver something to your customers?  Does every delivery contain a message or brochure about your business or different products than that of the delivery?  Are you sure your customers know all about your business, products and services?

If you aren’t telling the “real story” about your business to your customers, then who is?  You are only as good as your own best boast!

Where ever you go carry your flyer or brochure with you to help make an impression on all new people you meet.  That chance meeting and presentation will often result in a new customer for your business.  Of course, if you don’t or can’t make that presentation you can be sure that is a missed opportunity that you probably will never get back.

Ok, sure… Lin’s Seafood Buffet on the south east corner 51st Ave and Bell Rd.

Do you need help with your next business printing job?  Call MI Printing at 623.582.1302 and let us be your local business printing resource.

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MI Printing 
Phone: 623.582.1302