Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MI Printing’s Success Tips For Small Businesses

It’s no secret that you don’t become successful in business by doing the same thing the others guys are doing. Being able to take risks is all part of the fun of being a small business owner — and understanding how to differentiate your business from the rest is a special skill most entrepreneurs spend their careers honing.

Work Toward Being Significant
If you want to have success, you can't make success your goal. The key is not to worry about being successful, but to instead work toward y9ur business being significant in the lives of your customers and success will follow. If you do work that you love, and work that fulfills you, the rest will come.

Focus On Quality and Execution
First hire exceptional people, make sure they feel valued and can work as a team. 

Work to achieve synergy (energy and alignment). 

Work everyday focusing on getting a little bit better with the belief that over time outcomes become noteworthy. 

Work on expansion and set outcomes that are bold, passionate, measurable, written and positive. 

Work at worrying less about growth and more about quality and execution. When you take care of your customers and exceed their expectations, growth and opportunity always follow. 

Remember that success often comes to those who get in front of their problems and challenges.

Start Socializing.
No matter what your industry, almost any business can benefit from social media. If you aren’t currently using social media, resolve to try at least one social network in 2014. If you are active on social media, step it up a notch by learning more about your favorite social network, posting more often or adding more videos and photos to your mix.

Make Sure You Get Paid
In a service business make sure you collect twenty-five percent of your fee upfront. Your clients' reaction to that request will tell you a lot about whether they are capable of paying you when the project is finished.

Specify clearly what the deliverables are and what and when people will pay you -- and make the customer acknowledges it

Do you need help with your next print advertising – coupons, flyers or brochures?  Call MI Printing 623.582.1302 and lets us be your local resource.  Effective communication is what your business needs.

Presented By
MI Printing 
Phone: 623.582.1302
Email: sales@printinginaz.com